Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bath Time!!

Owen's cord fell off late Sunday night or early Monday morning. So, tonight was his first time having a "real" bath. Owen hates when I take his clothes off and really hates when he has to get a bath. So, we were hoping that being able to sit him in the warm water would help out with the bath situation. I think it did a little but boy did he scream as soon as I took him out of the water to dry him off. As a matter of fact he didn't quit screaming until he was dressed and swaddled in a blanket! Stephen was in the ocean again so our schedule is a little wacky with just me and both boys. I put Little Stephen to bed before I even had the opportunity to wash Owen. We'll get this all ironed out sooner or later!

Good Night Brother... He really doesn't know what to think of all this!


  1. So I miss those days of swaddling in a blanket....enjoy every second!!!!

  2. I enjoy your posting so very much!!! Beautiful pictures....
